Tom 7's Photo Gallery: Second Thoughts

Description: These are photographs that I once uploaded into the gallery with zeal, but have since changed my mind about. They're collected here for your chuckling and eventual dismissal, but for both of our sakes, why not check out the other collections of photos I actually still like?

Bee on Yellow
1280 × 866 (234Kb)
800 × 541 (97Kb)


Blue With Pods
1280 × 860 (264Kb)
800 × 538 (95Kb)

1280 × 850 (275Kb)
800 × 531 (118Kb)


Cog With 8
1280 × 859 (239Kb)
800 × 537 (108Kb)

1280 × 857 (207Kb)
800 × 536 (97Kb)


Roots, Sunspot
1280 × 863 (234Kb)
800 × 539 (108Kb)