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Boil1280 × 853

In category Abstract.

photo admirer ( – 11.09.04 16:12:59
once again, very cool!
OddBall7 ( – 05.31.07 12:06:48
That is so cool! What speed did you take it in? I have tried some shots like this before but the steam always clouds up my camera. How did you do it?
Tom 7 ( – 06.06.07 10:15:18
I don't remember the speed, but it must have been pretty fast, maybe 1/500ish at 400ISO? To avoid steam I was set up diagonally away from the pot with a 100mm * 1.6 zoom.

If I were to do it again today I'd use a flash...
antfactor ( – 08.08.07 05:33:46
wow - very nice photos - neat.
Zhichu ( – 11.19.07 20:00:49
Well done! maybe i will try my fortune next time i heating some water.