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Book Loft: White/Red

Book Loft: White/Red1280 × 853

Taken at the 'Book Loft' in Columbus OH.

In category Vegetation.

Helena ( – 04.07.05 09:06:06
I've been trying to get photos such as these of flowers close up. my grandparents live in a house in the country where there are so many different flowers!
When I go there I just want pictures of all of them but I can't get my digital camera to focus something so close... Which really frustrates me...
oem software ( – 02.12.12 01:40:00
8cmQqG Good! Wish everybody wrote so:DD
cheap oem software ( – 02.12.12 07:01:19
klw5Gk Interesting. We are waiting for new messages on the same topic!!....