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Grass Fuzzies

Grass Fuzzies1280 × 858

At the fairgrounds in Tallmadge OH.

In categories: Woodsy Favorites.

Kunal ( – 02.15.04 12:42:23
Simply beautiful.
Tom 7 ( – 02.29.04 23:54:41
Thanks. This is one of my all-time favorites.
kristen ( – 11.12.05 03:13:57
This is quite pretty..there's something about it that i can't stop looking.
kristen ( – 11.12.05 03:14:16
This is quite pretty..there's something about it that i can't stop looking.
DrIce926 ( – 06.22.07 18:00:39
To be sure, this one is fantastic, sir. I find myself longingly leaning in the direction of the wind. =)
Anonymous ( – 06.23.08 01:26:43
wow so beautiful
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