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Bee1280 × 866

I was very fortunate to get perfect lighting conditions, a bunch of bright healthy flowers, and a bee that wasn't afraid of me at the Phipps Conservatory in Pittsburgh.

In categories: Bugs Vegetation Favorites.

Andy M. ( – 06.07.04 03:51:22
This from the man who espouses "crap art"? Ha.
Tom 7 ( – 06.07.04 14:43:17
What does that mean?
Andy M. ( – 08.21.04 04:01:55
It means I really love this photo. (Please excuse the delay.)
Tom 7 ( – 08.21.04 12:12:42
Well, thanks!
Anonymous ( – 09.20.04 03:25:29
are these photographs shot by you or did u download them ? Let me know what kinda cam u use
Tom 7 ( – 09.20.04 22:22:18
Yes, I took them all. This was taken with a Canon Elan II and the 28-80mm f/3.5-5.6 II zoom lens. Now I use a digital Canon D60 and nicer lenses.
Anonymous ( – 05.02.07 17:03:49
louellencu ( – 07.17.10 19:14:32
economy 180 paleoclimatology international
radbyrnewi ( – 07.17.10 19:15:43
developers relates summary cause
ArtairGisilfrid ( – 08.15.11 23:43:36
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